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Inheritance diagram of QSql

Detailed Description

The QSql namespace contains miscellaneous identifiers used throughout the Qt SQL library.

See also

QtSql Module


This enum type describes at which precision levels numercial values are read from a database.

Some databases support numerical values with a precision that is not storable in a C++ basic data type. The default behavior is to bind these values as a PySide.QtCore.QString . This enum can be used to override this behavior.

Constant Description
QSql.LowPrecisionInt32 Force 32bit integer values. In case of floating point numbers, the fractional part is silently discarded.
QSql.LowPrecisionInt64 Force 64bit integer values. In case of floating point numbers, the fractional part is silently discarded.
QSql.LowPrecisionDouble Force double values.
QSql.HighPrecision The default behavior - try to preserve maximum precision.

Note: The actual behaviour if an overflow occurs is driver specific. The Oracle database just returns an error in this case.


This enum type describes special SQL navigation locations:

Constant Description
QSql.BeforeFirstRow Before the first record.
QSql.AfterLastRow After the last record.

See also


This enum is used to specify the type of a bind parameter.

Constant Description
QSql.In The bind parameter is used to put data into the database.
QSql.Out The bind parameter is used to receive data from the database.
QSql.InOut The bind parameter is used to put data into the database; it will be overwritten with output data on executing a query.
QSql.Binary This must be OR’d with one of the other flags if you want to indicate that the data being transferred is raw binary data.

This enum type describes types of SQL tables.

Constant Description
QSql.Tables All the tables visible to the user.
QSql.SystemTables Internal tables used by the database.
QSql.Views All the views visible to the user.
QSql.AllTables All of the above.