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Inheritance diagram of QSsl

Detailed Description

The QSsl namespace declares enums common to all SSL classes in QtNetwork .

Describes the two types of keys PySide.QtNetwork.QSslKey supports.

Constant Description
QSsl.PrivateKey A private key.
QSsl.PublicKey A public key.

Describes the different key algorithms supported by PySide.QtNetwork.QSslKey .

Constant Description
QSsl.Rsa The RSA algorithm.
QSsl.Dsa The DSA algorithm.

Describes the protocol of the cipher.

Constant Description
QSsl.SslV3 SSLv3 - the default protocol.
QSsl.SslV2 SSLv2
QSsl.TlsV1 TLSv1
QSsl.UnknownProtocol The cipher’s protocol cannot be determined.
QSsl.AnyProtocol The socket understands SSLv2, SSLv3, and TLSv1. This value is used by PySide.QtNetwork.QSslSocket only.

Note: most servers using SSL understand both versions (2 and 3), but it is recommended to use the latest version only for security reasons. However, SSL and TLS are not compatible with each other: if you get unexpected handshake failures, verify that you chose the correct setting for your protocol.


Describes the key types for alternate name entries in PySide.QtNetwork.QSslCertificate .

Constant Description
QSsl.EmailEntry An email entry; the entry contains an email address that the certificate is valid for.
QSsl.DnsEntry A DNS host name entry; the entry contains a host name entry that the certificate is valid for. The entry may contain wildcards.

Describes supported encoding formats for certificates and keys.

Constant Description
QSsl.Pem The PEM format.
QSsl.Der The DER format.