PySide Bugzilla Closed for New Bugs

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Bug 377 - Unable to use the Python interpreter with PySide
: Unable to use the Python interpreter with PySide
Product: PySide
Classification: Unclassified
Component: PySide
: 0.4.2
: PC MS Windows XP/Vista/7
: P3 major
Assigned To: renato filho
  Show dependency treegraph
Reported: 2010-09-22 09:01 EEST by stark.viktor
Modified: 2010-10-13 13:52 EEST (History)
8 users (show)

See Also:


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Description stark.viktor 2010-09-22 09:01:39 EEST
I am unable to run even a simple application using PySide under Windows XP SP2
using the Python interpreter. Actually, there is no GUI appearing and the
command line hangs when I execute the application. I am not even able to press
Ctrl-C to break the execution.

On the other hand, if I use py2exe, my application runs fine. But of course,
this makes development a lot more tedious.

I am using Python 2.7 with PySide 0.4.2.

Here is the output produced when I try to run from

C:\Documents and Settings\valid\Bureau>c:\Python27\python.exe -v -d z:\
# installing zipimport hook
import zipimport # builtin
# installed zipimport hook
# c:\Python27\lib\site.pyc matches c:\Python27\lib\
import site # precompiled from c:\Python27\lib\site.pyc
# c:\Python27\lib\os.pyc matches c:\Python27\lib\
import os # precompiled from c:\Python27\lib\os.pyc
import errno # builtin
import nt # builtin
# c:\Python27\lib\ntpath.pyc matches c:\Python27\lib\
import ntpath # precompiled from c:\Python27\lib\ntpath.pyc
# c:\Python27\lib\stat.pyc matches c:\Python27\lib\
import stat # precompiled from c:\Python27\lib\stat.pyc
# c:\Python27\lib\genericpath.pyc matches c:\Python27\lib\
import genericpath # precompiled from c:\Python27\lib\genericpath.pyc
# c:\Python27\lib\warnings.pyc matches c:\Python27\lib\
import warnings # precompiled from c:\Python27\lib\warnings.pyc
# c:\Python27\lib\linecache.pyc matches c:\Python27\lib\
import linecache # precompiled from c:\Python27\lib\linecache.pyc
# c:\Python27\lib\types.pyc matches c:\Python27\lib\
import types # precompiled from c:\Python27\lib\types.pyc
# c:\Python27\lib\UserDict.pyc matches c:\Python27\lib\
import UserDict # precompiled from c:\Python27\lib\UserDict.pyc
# c:\Python27\lib\_abcoll.pyc matches c:\Python27\lib\
import _abcoll # precompiled from c:\Python27\lib\_abcoll.pyc
# c:\Python27\lib\abc.pyc matches c:\Python27\lib\
import abc # precompiled from c:\Python27\lib\abc.pyc
# c:\Python27\lib\copy_reg.pyc matches c:\Python27\lib\
import copy_reg # precompiled from c:\Python27\lib\copy_reg.pyc
# c:\Python27\lib\sysconfig.pyc matches c:\Python27\lib\
import sysconfig # precompiled from c:\Python27\lib\sysconfig.pyc
# c:\Python27\lib\re.pyc matches c:\Python27\lib\
import re # precompiled from c:\Python27\lib\re.pyc
# c:\Python27\lib\sre_compile.pyc matches c:\Python27\lib\
import sre_compile # precompiled from c:\Python27\lib\sre_compile.pyc
import _sre # builtin
# c:\Python27\lib\sre_parse.pyc matches c:\Python27\lib\
import sre_parse # precompiled from c:\Python27\lib\sre_parse.pyc
# c:\Python27\lib\sre_constants.pyc matches c:\Python27\lib\
import sre_constants # precompiled from c:\Python27\lib\sre_constants.pyc
# c:\Python27\lib\locale.pyc matches c:\Python27\lib\
import locale # precompiled from c:\Python27\lib\locale.pyc
import encodings # directory c:\Python27\lib\encodings
# c:\Python27\lib\encodings\__init__.pyc matches
import encodings # precompiled from c:\Python27\lib\encodings\__init__.pyc
# c:\Python27\lib\codecs.pyc matches c:\Python27\lib\
import codecs # precompiled from c:\Python27\lib\codecs.pyc
import _codecs # builtin
# c:\Python27\lib\encodings\aliases.pyc matches
import encodings.aliases # precompiled from
import operator # builtin
# c:\Python27\lib\functools.pyc matches c:\Python27\lib\
import functools # precompiled from c:\Python27\lib\functools.pyc
import _functools # builtin
import _locale # builtin
# c:\Python27\lib\encodings\cp1252.pyc matches
import encodings.cp1252 # precompiled from c:\Python27\lib\encodings\cp1252.pyc
Python 2.7 (r27:82525, Jul  4 2010, 09:01:59) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
import PySide # directory c:\Python27\lib\site-packages\PySide
# c:\Python27\lib\site-packages\PySide\__init__.pyc matches
import PySide # precompiled from
# c:\Python27\lib\site-packages\PySide\private.pyc matches
import PySide.private # precompiled from
# c:\Python27\lib\atexit.pyc matches c:\Python27\lib\
import atexit # precompiled from c:\Python27\lib\atexit.pyc
import PySide.QtCore # dynamically loaded from
import PySide.QtGui # dynamically loaded from
Comment 1 stark.viktor 2010-10-05 07:26:14 EEST

I should just use pythonw... Sorry for the noise.

This can be closed as INVALID.