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Bug 1053 - pyside-lupdate used with .pro files can't handle Windows paths that contain spaces
: pyside-lupdate used with .pro files can't handle Windows paths that contain s...
Product: PySide
Classification: Unclassified
Component: pyside-tools
: 1.0.7
: PC MS Windows XP/Vista/7
: P2 normal
Assigned To: Paulo Alcantara
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Reported: 2011-11-11 16:11 EET by r.walker
Modified: 2012-01-02 21:44 EET (History)
9 users (show)

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Description r.walker 2011-11-11 16:11:27 EET
I've tried creating .pro files that pyside-lupdate will use to create the .ts
i18n translation files. The rather primitive formatting of the .pro file (and
pyside-lupdate behavior) seems to only expect that absolutely everything
(sources, forms, resources, translations) must be in the same directory as the
.pro file (i.e. filename only, no paths). That's not going to work for my

I've tried everything I could think of to resolve the issue so that I could use
full paths, but documentation is sporadic, unclear, incomplete, or non-existent
on the full usage of .pro files with PySide or Qt. If there is some special way
all projects need to be organized in order to be compatible with .pro files,
then the docs should clearly and conspicuously state this up front.

All of the following attempted solutions didn't work:

* Enclosing the paths in double-quotes
* Using forward slashes instead of back slashes
* Using double back slash or single back slash
* Enclosing each path in $$quote() as some docs suggested

In all cases, pyside-lupdate errored, treating each section of the path
separated by whitespace as its own file.
Comment 1 Paulo Alcantara 2011-12-14 19:58:57 EET

Thanks for the report!

When using paths that contain whitespaces in-between, use double quotes.
This bug has been fixed on pyside-tools commit